OD_OD [overdose][overdrive] (2023)
for Prepared Piano , Saxophon, Percussion, No-input Mixer
8 min
for first performance (first version)at the Klangtheater in Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Austria, from 29. jun. 2023.
“Overdrive” refers to amplifying the sound using an electric guitar amplifier with the limiter turned off, creating an “overdrive” mode that can receive “excessive noise.” This “overloaded” aesthetic comes from modulating sound saturation, starting from electronic music.
“Overdose” actually got its name from a song by the Japanese rock band “Tokyo Jihen,” titled “Overdose,” written by Ringo Shiina. However, my work has no direct relation to that song; it simply served as inspiration, and I’ve resonated with Ringo Shiina’s music for many years. The inspiration about drug overdose comes from some social trends in Asia, where young people seek a way forward in self-struggle and mental exhaustion. This future isn’t like the nihilism brought by European colonialism or historical reflection; it’s more about harming one’s own body or seeking a way out in bipolar emotional disorders (including myself). This is different from societal rebellion; it’s an inner strength and unlike punk, it’s humble.The process of creating this piece is also my exploration of society (market, culture, gender) and self-awareness.